RA-MRI-Scores of Synovitis and Bone Marrow Oedema Correlate Strongly with Computer-Aided Analysis of 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Assessment of Inflammation in the Wrist and MCP Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA-MRI-Scores of Synovitis and Bone Marrow Oedema Correlate Strongly with Computer-Aided Analysis of 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Assessment of Inflammation in the Wrist and MCP Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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RA-MRI-Scores of Synovitis and Bone Marrow Oedema Correlate Strongly with Computer-Aided Analysis of 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Assessment of Inflammation in the Wrist and MCP Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Maecenas tempor, ex at maximus efficitur, felis sem ultrices ligula, ut hendrerit purus eros ac urna. Vestibulum ut vestibulum tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu lectus quam. Nunc ligula arcu, auctor sit amet tellus eleifend, facilisis laoreet odio. Donec placerat urna eleifend blandit porttitor.

Nunc magna turpis, tristique at dictum vel, sollicitudin blandit felis. Morbi aliquam elit et pellentesque vulputate. Donec elementum, ante quis ornare porttitor, tortor dolor vestibulum velit, et viverra enim massa vitae ex.

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