Ulcerative Colitis

Histological remission is an important target for Ulcerative Colitis (UC) treatment. IAG brings proprietary AI-powered assessment to recognize and count cells in the slides acquired from UC patients before and after treatment.
IAG team can score slides using Gabor or Nancy index as well as to provide a detailed map of the cells and counts.  

IAG delivered end-to-end service in UC clinical trials, from protocol design, data collection, quality control and central review with AI or qualified pathology team.

Our expert team will support the development of imaging strategy and selection of the trial endpoints. Once the trial is designed, IAG’s team will select and train the sites, assist with imaging data collection and review.

Reach out to our expert team, as you are designing and planning your trial.

About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™, our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team: imaging.experts@ia-grp.com

Experience: Scoring Systems
  • Nancy score
  • Gabor score
  • Full cell count (neutrophils)
Experience: Imaging
  • Histology
  • Ultrasound

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially Crohn’s disease clinical  trials involve evaluation of the bowel, using medical imaging such as colonoscopy, MRI or CT. One of the many challenging aspects of Crohn’s disease management is the variable nature of the disease course.

IAG’s team specializes in use of radiological imaging (CT and MRI), that help to assess the portions of the small bowel that are inaccessible to optical endoscopic visualization.

Cross-sectional imaging techniques are being increasingly utilized for IBD evaluation because they can simultaneously assess mural and extramural IBD manifestations.

With the use of MRI and CT, we can support patient inclusion, help to assess and track progression of extra-intestinal IBD manifestations, visualize penetrating complications of disease that extend outside the bowel wall, and assess disease activity in patients with known IBD during symptomatic recurrence.

CT scanners allows high spatial resolution imaging of the entire abdomen and pelvis in just a few seconds, generating isotropic images that can be reconstructed in multiple planes to facilitate visualization of subtle abnormalities. CT scans are typically performed for IBD evaluation following administration of both oral and IV contrast to detect bowel wall abnormalities and abnormal enhancement.

Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is another useful minimally invasive, non-ionizing radiation diagnostic technique with the ability to obtain multiplanar diagnostic information about intra and extra mural involvement of the small bowel in IBD.

MRE combines large volume oral contrast bowel distention with T2-weighted, balanced steady state free precession, and multiphase T1-weighted fat suppressed contrast-enhanced sequences to optimize detection of bowel wall abnormalities. Today, collection of 3-dimensional (3D) data sets has become feasible within 10 to 15 seconds. These short acquisition times allow for data collection within a single breath-hold, which can be performed even in patients with respiratory compromise.

Our expert team will support the development of imaging strategy and selection of the trial endpoints. Once the trial is designed, IAG’s team will select and train the sites, assist with imaging data collection and review.

Reach out to our expert team, as you are designing and planning your trial.

About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™, our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team: imaging.experts@ia-grp.com

Experience: Scoring Systems
  • Crohn disease MRI index (CDMI) score
  • Magnetic Resonance Index of Activity (MaRIA)
  • Crohn’s disease activity score (CDAS)
  • Acute inflammation score (AIS)
  • The MRE global score (MEGS)
Experience: Imaging
  • CT
  • MRI
  • Fluoroscopic imaging
  • MRE
  • DECT
  • MR magnetization transfer imaging
  • MR motility imaging
  • Ultrasound

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.