Scleroderma, a rare and often perplexing autoimmune disorder, presents numerous challenges for both patients and drug development organizations. One key tool in unravelling the mysteries of this condition is medical imaging. From diagnosing scleroderma to monitoring disease progression and assessing treatment effectiveness, various imaging modalities play a crucial role in the care of individuals affected by this disease.

IAG team helps pharmaceutical companies to use medical imaging and associated digital endpoints to support diagnosis / screening, assessment of organ involvement, disease progression monitoring and drug efficacy assessment using MRI, US, Xray, CT and other available imaging modalities.

IAG and University of Leeds, UK have partnered to develop a novel Digital Arteries Volume Index, DAVIX, which was used in drug development trials since 2010. DAVIX© has been validated as a predictor of the onset of Digital Ulcers in Systemic Sclerosis patients. This innovative methodology is based on the Time-of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) angiography and allows to quantitatively assess digital arterial blood flow.

  1. Screening: Scleroderma’s hallmark symptom is skin thickening, but it can also affect internal organs, making early and accurate diagnosis critical. Imaging, such as high-resolution ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is instrumental in detecting abnormalities within affected tissues and organs. These techniques help clinicians visualize the extent and location of fibrosis, a key feature of scleroderma, and can aid in differentiating the disease from other conditions with similar symptoms.
  2. Assessing Organ Involvement: Scleroderma doesn’t stop at the skin; it often targets vital organs such as the lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. Imaging studies like chest X-rays, CT scans, and echocardiograms can provide vital information about the extent of organ involvement, helping doctors tailor treatment plans to individual patients.
  3. Disease Progression Monitoring: Scleroderma is a progressive disease, and regular monitoring is essential to track changes in organ function and tissue involvement. Imaging allows for ongoing assessment without invasive procedures, providing valuable data for treatment adjustments and long-term management.
  4. Evaluating Treatment Efficacy: Many treatment options are available to manage scleroderma, but their effectiveness varies from person to person. Imaging can help healthcare providers gauge how well treatment is working by tracking changes in organ function, tissue thickness, and inflammation levels.

Imaging plays a pivotal role in scleroderma research. By visualizing the disease at the cellular and molecular levels, scientists can gain deeper insights into its underlying mechanisms and develop more targeted therapies.

IAG’s team plays an active role in the scientific community and have led the development of novel scoring systems for early assessment of synovial inflammatory changes, quantification of inflammation (bone marrow oedema and synovial) and quantitative assessment of erosive changes.

About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™ , our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team:

Experience: Scoring Systems
  • Eligibility and Safety Assessments
  • DAVIX (Digital Arteries Volume Index)
  • Quantitative Inflammation (DEMRIQ)
  • Organ Involvement (Xray or CT)
  • US-Doppler Quantification
Experience: Imaging
  • MRI
  • CT
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.




Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. It is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder of bone seen primarily in children and adolescents.

The imaging evaluation of CRMO should start with radiographic evaluation of the symptomatic sites. If the radiographs are negative in the presence of significant clinical symptoms, further evaluation with MR imaging should be considered to evaluate for marrow edema.

When a diagnosis of CRMO is considered on the basis of clinical findings and initial imaging evaluation, further evaluation of the whole body is suggested to identify multifocal lesions that may be clinically asymptomatic. Whole-body evaluation has traditionally been performed with 99mTc bone scintigraphy, although whole-body MR imaging is being increasingly used for evaluation of multifocal bone lesions.

MR imaging is useful for follow-up of lesions during exacerbation of disease, especially when radiographs show marked sclerosis or hyperostosis. Areas of new activity demonstrate high signal intensity on T2-weighted images and contrast enhancement due to marrow edema, with the surrounding sclerotic bone appearing hypointense on both T1- and T2-weighted images.

IAG’s team and collaborators presented a novel MRI-based analysis workflow for Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO) at EULAR 2016 and then RSNA 2017. We designed and validated a novel postprocessing scoring method for the quantification of multiple lesions in CRMO patients from static whole body STIR MRI scans, using the normalized intensity (“Norml”) parametric map function, in combination with the region of interest (ROI) tools built into the software Dynamika, a platform for quantitative MRI analysis. The publication discusses the results, where single or multiple lesions seen in whole body MRI scans of CRMO patients were identified and quantified using NormI parametric maps. Quantification parameters for the lesions identified in right femur and right clavicle have been computed by normalising to the baseline in muscle.

Whole body MRI-based workflow for CRMO

Experience: Scoring Systems
  • NormI
Experience: Imaging
  • MRI T1w
  • MRI T2w
  • Xray

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.