n individuals with abdominal obesity, both endurance and resistance training reduced epicardial adipose tissue mass, while only resistance training reduced pericardial adipose tissue mass. These data highlight the potential preventive importance of different exercise modalities as means to reduce cardiac fat in individuals with abdominal obesity.
Sports Medicine
Weight-bearing MRI of the Lumbar Spine: Spinal Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis.
Symptoms of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis include back pain, radiculopathy, claudication, and muscular fatigue that tend to be predominant in the standing position or during walking. Lumbar spondylolisthesis is also a well-known cause of spinal stenosis, lateral recess, and neural foraminal narrowing that tends to become more severe in the upright position. This indicates a functional positional component of both spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis. Lumbar spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis are typically evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed in the supine position with a pillow under the patient’s lower limbs that slightly flexes the lumbar spine and ameliorates symptoms. Because these two entities tend to be aggravated in the upright position, it seems rational to also consider performing diagnostic imaging in these patients in the upright position. This article reviews the use of weight-bearing MRI for lumbar spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis.
Early development of tendinopathy in humans: Sequence of pathological changes in structure and tissue turnover signalling.
Overloading of tendon tissue with resulting chronic pain (tendinopathy) is a common disorder in occupational-, leisure- and sports-activity, but its pathogenesis remains poorly understood. To investigate the very early phase of tendinopathy, Achilles and patellar tendons were investigated in 200 physically active patients and 50 healthy control persons. Patients were divided into three groups: symptoms for 0-1 months (T1), 1-2 months (T2) or 2-3 months (T3). Tendinopathic Achilles tendon cross-sectional area determined by ultrasonography (US) was ~25% larger than in healthy control persons. Both Achilles and patellar anterior-posterior diameter were elevated in tendinopathy, and only later in Achilles was the width increased. Increased tendon size was accompanied by an increase in hypervascularization (US Doppler flow) without any change in mRNA for angiogenic factors. From patellar biopsies taken bilaterally, mRNA for most growth factors and tendon components remained unchanged (except for TGF-beta1 and substance-P) in early tendinopathy. Tendon stiffness remained unaltered over the first three months of tendinopathy and was similar to the asymptomatic contra-lateral tendon. In conclusion, this suggests that tendinopathy pathogenesis represents a disturbed tissue homeostasis with fluid accumulation. The disturbance is likely induced by repeated mechanical overloading rather than a partial rupture of the tendon.
Sports Imaging of Team Handball Injuries.
Team handball is a fast high-scoring indoor contact sport with > 20 million registered players who are organized in > 150 federations worldwide. The combination of complex and unique biomechanics of handball throwing, permitted body tackles and blocks, and illegal fouls contribute to team handball ranging among the four athletic sports that carry the highest risks of injury. The categories include a broad range of acute and overuse injuries that most commonly occur in the shoulder, knee, and ankle. In concert with sports medicine, physicians, surgeons, physical therapists, and radiologists consult in the care of handball players through the appropriate use and expert interpretations of radiography, ultrasonography, CT, and MRI studies to facilitate diagnosis, characterization, and healing of a broad spectrum of acute, complex, concomitant, chronic, and overuse injuries. This article is based on published data and the author team’s cumulative experience in playing and caring for handball players in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain. The article reviews and illustrates the spectrum of common handball injuries and highlights the contributions of sports imaging for diagnosis and management.
Regional Bone Mineral Density Differences Measured by Quantitative Computed Tomography: Does the Standard Clinically Used L1-L2 Average Correlate with the Entire Lumbosacral Spine?
Pathological Mechanisms and Therapeutic Outlooks for Arthrofibrosis
MRI Findings in Soccer Players with Long-Standing Adductor-Related Groin Pain and Asymptomatic Controls
MRI Findings in Soccer Players with Long-Standing Adductor-Related Groin Pain and Asymptomatic Controls
Maecenas tempor, ex at maximus efficitur, felis sem ultrices ligula, ut hendrerit purus eros ac urna. Vestibulum ut vestibulum tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu lectus quam. Nunc ligula arcu, auctor sit amet tellus eleifend, facilisis laoreet odio. Donec placerat urna eleifend blandit porttitor.
Nunc magna turpis, tristique at dictum vel, sollicitudin blandit felis. Morbi aliquam elit et pellentesque vulputate. Donec elementum, ante quis ornare porttitor, tortor dolor vestibulum velit, et viverra enim massa vitae ex.
Tendon and Skeletal Muscle Matrix Gene Expression and Functional Responses to Immobilisation and Rehabilitation in Young Males: Effect of Growth Hormone Administration
Tendon and Skeletal Muscle Matrix Gene Expression and Functional Responses to Immobilisation and Rehabilitation in Young Males: Effect of Growth Hormone Administration
Maecenas tempor, ex at maximus efficitur, felis sem ultrices ligula, ut hendrerit purus eros ac urna. Vestibulum ut vestibulum tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu lectus quam. Nunc ligula arcu, auctor sit amet tellus eleifend, facilisis laoreet odio. Donec placerat urna eleifend blandit porttitor.
Nunc magna turpis, tristique at dictum vel, sollicitudin blandit felis. Morbi aliquam elit et pellentesque vulputate. Donec elementum, ante quis ornare porttitor, tortor dolor vestibulum velit, et viverra enim massa vitae ex.
Differences in Tendon Properties in Elite Badminton Players With or Without Patellar Tendinopathy
Differences in Tendon Properties in Elite Badminton Players With or Without Patellar Tendinopathy
Maecenas tempor, ex at maximus efficitur, felis sem ultrices ligula, ut hendrerit purus eros ac urna. Vestibulum ut vestibulum tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu lectus quam. Nunc ligula arcu, auctor sit amet tellus eleifend, facilisis laoreet odio. Donec placerat urna eleifend blandit porttitor.
Nunc magna turpis, tristique at dictum vel, sollicitudin blandit felis. Morbi aliquam elit et pellentesque vulputate. Donec elementum, ante quis ornare porttitor, tortor dolor vestibulum velit, et viverra enim massa vitae ex.
The Copenhagen Standardised MRI Protocol to Assess the Pubic Symphysis and Adductor Regions of Athletes: Outline and Intratester and Intertester Reliability
The Copenhagen Standardised MRI Protocol to Assess the Pubic Symphysis and Adductor Regions of Athletes: Outline and Intratester and Intertester Reliability
Maecenas tempor, ex at maximus efficitur, felis sem ultrices ligula, ut hendrerit purus eros ac urna. Vestibulum ut vestibulum tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu lectus quam. Nunc ligula arcu, auctor sit amet tellus eleifend, facilisis laoreet odio. Donec placerat urna eleifend blandit porttitor.
Nunc magna turpis, tristique at dictum vel, sollicitudin blandit felis. Morbi aliquam elit et pellentesque vulputate. Donec elementum, ante quis ornare porttitor, tortor dolor vestibulum velit, et viverra enim massa vitae ex.