Prof. Henning Bliddal, MD, DMSc

Smart Imaging Strategy to Accelerate Drug Development

Prof. Henning Bliddal, MD, DMSc

Scientific Advisor
Clinical Osteoarthritis Expert
Henning Bliddal is a Director and research professor at the Parker Institute, Denmark. Since 2005, Prof. Bliddal has been the chairman of The Danish National Board of Health’s commission for treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Co-author of 150+ peer-reviewed articles and a renowned architect of numerous research projects. His clinical research aims at increasing the knowledge of treatments for the major groups of diseases, including degenerative musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis, immuno-inflammatory diseases of joints, especially rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue pain conditions; furthermore, the Parker Institute has an international status for diagnosis of sequels of torture.