Meet IAG’s Bio-Partnering Team at Biotech Showcase’21!

Meet IAG's Bio-Partnering Team at Biotech Showcase'21!

Meet IAG’s Bio-Partnering Team at Biotech Showcase’21!

IAG’s team will be attending Biotech Showcase 11th – 13th January 2021, to meet clinical stage biotech companies developing novel treatments to address patients’ needs.

IAG, Image Analysis Group is a strategic partner to bio-pharmaceutical companies developing new treatments to improve patients’ lives.  Our goal is to accelerate novel drug development by using the right analytical tools and modern trial infrastructure. We leverage our core expertise in medical image analysis, drug development and trial design.

IAG brings decades of operational expertise, proprietary cloud platform DYNAMIKA and deep therapeutic insights through our world-class expert team.

Through quantitative imaging-based assessments, we help our biotech and pharma clients to understand the specifics of their therapeutic agents. We bring radiological expertise, AI and smart image analysis methods to ensure the speed and cost-effectiveness of drug development programs, while delivering true insights about your mechanism of action and patients’ response, in real-time.

We work with investors and executive teams on deploying the right strategies for early efficacy assessments, objective response prediction and critical analysis of advanced treatment manifestations.

Thus, lowering the investment risks into advanced therapies while helping to accelerate study outcomes.

We are here to create successful partnerships and see more patients cured with the drugs, that we can help you to develop.

IAG’s Bio-Partnering team is focusing on building a diversified portfolio of innovative life science companies at various stages of clinical development. 

‘At IAG, we support novel drug or technology development efforts through conceptualisation, clinical trials to market entry by bringing strategic collaborators and smart investments’ said David Chia, IAG’s Head of Bio-Partnering. 

‘Our portfolio companies take full advantage of a wide range of IAG’s innovative R&D solutions, operational breadth and expertise, risk-sharing financing and partnership models’, added Dr. Diana Dupont-Roettger, AIG’s Chief Scientific Alliance Officer.

More on our recent partnerships can be found here:


About Image Analysis Group (IAG)

IAG, Image Analysis Group is a unique partner to life sciences companies. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of Dynamika™ – our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner.  IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes. IAG bio-partnering takes a broader view on asset development bringing R&D solutions, operational breadth, radiological expertise via risk-sharing financing and partnering models.

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