Meet IAG’s Expert Neuroscience Team at TAU2024

Meet IAG's Expert Neuroscience Team at TAU2024

Dr. Osipowicz, IAG’s Director of Strategic Alliances, Neuroscience, will join TAU2024 Global Conference, Washington D.C., March 2024.  

Having worked for several years with multiple sponsors to design, coordinate, and run clinical trials on Neurodegeneration, Image Analysis Group is deeply involved in the research and development of new safe and efficient drugs. 

From March 25 to 26, Dr. Karol Osipowicz, IAG’s Director of Strategic Alliances, Neuroscience, will attend TAU2024 Global Conference in Washington D.C. Be a part of the conversation as leading experts from academia, industry, philanthropy and government work to address the future of tau research.  This is the only Tauopathy centered conference in the world – bringing together leading experts from academia, industry, philanthropy and government with a shared mission: revolutionizing the treatment of Tau. In a field of constant new discoveries and emerging novel drug targets, the fight against Tauopathies is more promising than ever. 

We look forward to meeting researchers, drug developers and foundations to discuss new collaborations and share our expertise. 

About Image Analysis Group (IAG)

Image Analysis Group, is a leading imaging Clinical Research Organization that combines medical and operational expertise with cutting-edge proprietary A.I. capabilities to power drug development, and to deliver the potential for a companion diagnostic tool. IAG has been serving biotech and pharma clients globally since 2007, reliably supporting all aspects of phase I to III imaging trials across multiple indications. Our team helps to optimise imaging studies by leveraging our in-house radiology expertise in the design and execution of trials, and through our cutting-edge Dynamika™ platform, which allows for effective imaging data management and accelerated patient recruitment.

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