Just Published: Knee Osteoarthritis focused paper, in the Knee, Jan 2021

Just Published: Knee Osteoarthritis focused paper, in the Knee, Jan 2021

The effect of exercise therapy on inflammatory activity assessed by MRI in knee osteoarthritis: Secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial

‘The effect of exercise therapy on inflammatory activity assessed by MRI in knee osteoarthritis: Secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial‘ – published in The Knee, the Elsevier Journal, January, 2021

Congratulations to the authors from the Parker Institute and IAG, Image Analysis Group: Elisabeth Bandak, Mikael Boesen; Henning Bliddal; Cecilie Daugaard; Stine Hangaard; Cecilie Bartholdy; Olga Kubassova; Janus D Nybing; Marius Henriksen

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of exercise on muscle perfusion assessed by dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), and its association with changes in pain in patients with knee OA. All MRI scans were processed using IAG’s proprietary platform DYNAMIKA and analysed using Dynamic Enhanced MRI Quantification (DEMRIQ) method.

‘DYNAMIKA allows extracting exact measurements of the volume and severity of inflammation within the muscle, which makes the analysis fully quantitative and objective’, commended the authors.

The paper concludes that the exercise therapy correlated with the changes in MRI. Further research will be conducted to explore the effects on the disease modification.

About the partners: The Parker Institute and IAG, IMAGE ANALYSIS GROUP

The Parker Institute

The Parker Institute is part of Copenhagen University Hospital at Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg. The Parker Institute strives, through research with focus on locomotory and related disorders, to improve the status of health in the population via prevention at all levels, increasing knowledge of disease mechanisms and diagnostics, and by creating evidence-based treatments. The activities include observations and register based research, analysis of literature, and diagnostic studies of patient-reported outcome measures, clinical tests, imaging with ultrasound and MRI, and biomechanical evaluation, as well as randomised clinical and population interventions. The Institute participates in creation of evidence based prevention and medicine and in the development of new treatment strategies.

The staff counts a broad range of health professionals and scientists, all dedicated to research into clinical advances for patients and disease prevention for the population.


About Image Analysis Group (IAG)

IAG, Image Analysis Group is a unique partner to life sciences companies. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of Dynamika™ – our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner.  IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes. IAG bio-partnering takes a broader view on asset development bringing R&D solutions, operational breadth, radiological expertise via risk-sharing financing and partnering models.

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