Dr. Kubassova will be speaking at Precision Medicine in Autoimmunity Conference

Dr. Olga Kubassova, CEO of IAG will be speaking at Precision Medicine in Autoimmunity

Growing influence of Precision Medicine will impact drug development and patient journey of tomorrow, probably beyond what we can imagine or predict today. We believe that within a few years, the treatment and diagnosis of the diseases will be guided through targeted therapies; and personalized care will be an essential component of our every day life and critical step for prevention of many conditions.

CEO of IAG, Dr. Olga Kubassova will be a part of the 2nd conference on Precision Medicine in Autoimmunity, 11-13 March, Denver, CO. Together with a panel of distinguished speakers, she will be exploring disease-specific advances related to precision medicine. This is a new event, for those who want to see beyond the state-of-the-art and truly understand what is on the horizon for drug development and patient care in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, IBD, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Her talk, titled ‘Artificial Intelligence and Imaging in Assessment of Treatment Response in Inflammatory Arthritis and Lupus’ will cover the state of the art scoring and novel AI and Machine Learning driven imaging based biomarkers used in the assessment of treatment response in auto-immune diseases. Scientific program is available here!

About Olga Kubassova

Dr. Olga Kubassova is a mathematician by background with MS in Mathematics from St. Petersburg State University, Russia, MS in Information Technology from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Leeds, UK.

Dr. Olga Kubassova is the founding scientist and CEO of IAG, Image Analysis Group, an imaging expert company. She started IAG straight after her PhD with an idea to bring the best of mathematics and computer science to optimize clinical development process while using imaging derived biomarkers to reliably and objectively assess efficacy of a novel drug.

Today IAG is a recognized partner to many blue-chip pharma companies in rheumatology, oncology and neurology. Since completing her PhD research in the area of MRI algorithm development for musculoskeletal disorders, Olga has been a significant contributor to the development of MRI as a clinical research and diagnostic tool in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory joint diseases. She has co-authored over 60 articles, 7 book chapters and a number of abstracts that have built a significant evidence base for the medical imaging as a sensitive and objective biomarker for the assessment of various diseases and as an early measure of efficacy of new drugs. Olga is an active researcher, scientific adviser to the UK government and EU funding bodies, inc. European Commission, Innovative Medicines Initiative; she is an editor and reviewer of several scientific journals.

Olga is a renowned healthcare innovator and biotech investor, with passion for improving people’s health. She is a founding member of ‘The 2% club’ to support women in leadership positions, fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, Royal Society of Engineering, alumni of several business leadership programs by Goldman Sachs, Oxford Said Business School, Business School of University of Leeds, alumni of Business Programme by the New York Economic Development (New York Venture Fellows), 4 time winner of the national and international ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ award.

About Precision Medicine in Autoimmunity
Precision Medicine in Autoimmunity is a new, international conference on autoimmunity. It focuses on the growing impact personalized medicine can have for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of autoimmune diseases, and is designed as an intense state-of-the-art meeting with few selected focus topic areas.

To find out more about this conference click here.
