IAG’s team contributes into the design and execution of clinical trials. Specifically, in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), we are supporting the considerable amount of effort dedicated to finding new effective therapeutic agents for patients, with several symptomatic and disease-modifying therapies currently being evaluated in clinical trials.

Collaboratively, with leading academics and medical institutions, we also work on developing and validating biomarkers and companion digital diagnostic markers, which may assist in early diagnosis, trial enrichment, and objective measurement of disease progression.

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.

In relation to patient selection for drug development programs, it is important to note that the clinical presentation of AD is heterogeneous and overlaps with other conditions. Brain MRI uses different sequences and contrasts to study brain structure and function while PET imaging use ionising radioactive ligands to quantitatively measure receptors, transporters or enzymes at nanomolecular level with high specificity and power of resolution.

Imaging of the brain in patients with AD can increase the accuracy of differential diagnosis, patient selection and assessment of the disease progression.

  • MRI / CT: computed tomography (CT) and then magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used diagnostically to rule out other causes of dementia
  • Structural MRI is useful to assess volumetric changes of the brain and for measuring the degree and distribution of brain atrophy.

A typical MRI dataset from AD trial would have: FLAIR, T2, T2*, DWI (trace), DWI (ADC), T1 & Post-Gadolinium T1

  • Advanced MRI modalities, including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), spectroscopy, arterial spin labelling (ASL) and resting-state functional MRI can assist in detection of and discrimination of AD cases from other forms of dementia.
  • Functional MRI measures blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) signal, which is sensitive to localised changes in levels of blood oxygenation in brain regions that are activated.
  • Imaging with PET or SPECT are powerful methods to detect in vivo changes in the brain at molecular level.
  • Structural and functional MRI and positron emission tomography (PET) studies of cerebral metabolism with fluoro-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG) and amyloid tracers have shown characteristic changes in the brains of patients with AD, and in prodromal and even presymptomatic states that can help rule-in the AD pathophysiological process.
  • Using PET imaging with 18F-fludeoxyglucose (18F-FDG), patterns of regional brain metabolism can be measured using a map of regional abnormalities of known disease-specific templates obtained in established patient cohorts.

At IAG, we believe that the most important requirements for introducing quantitative MRI endpoints in the design of AD trials are the accuracy & reproducibility of the analysis techniques.

The processes and operational constraints should be scalable for a successful deployment in the context of large multicentre clinical trials. The biggest scientific and operational challenge is in making use of advanced quantitative image processing techniques in a highly regulated environment (FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 & DYNAMIKA’s ISO13485 software validation guidelines).

Our operational teams are here to ensure that we are maximizing the quality of MRI data, minimizing intra/ inter-site variability, providing vendor & model-specific MRI acquisition parameters.

DYNAMIKA supports the ongoing quality control of MRI data performed within short turnaround times and we consider it to be one of the most crucial tasks to increase the accuracy & reproducibility of image processing techniques.

In our studies, we use American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom for initial site qualification and for monitoring the image quality over time.

The data collection is fully transparent and is done using web based electronic image transfer within DYNAMIKA.

An atlas-based segmentation isa technique that is used for the detection of brain, ventricles, hippocampus and other brain subcortical structures, using atlases or a collection of brain scans. The quality of brain structures delineation at baseline is of major importance for subsequent image analysis steps.


A registration-based (also known as alignment of images) or segmentation based (detection of structures) can be used for the quantification of brain atrophy. Test-retest reproducibility results are very important to assess accuracy of a technique. This variability or “measurement error” inherent to the quantification process is well below the expected mean annual change of total brain volume in healthy elderly controls.

IAG’s team has deep understanding of challenges associated with design and execution of AD trials.

We understand that optimal clinical trial design is crucial. Chosen imaging modality and associated image analysis will help to prove the efficacy of the therapy. We will recommend the optimal imaging and help selecting the trial endpoints.  Once the trial is designed, IAG’s team will select and train the sites, assist with imaging data collection and review. The complex nature of the quantitative endpoints usually requires the use of automated image processing capabilities, enabling high-throughput analysis. IAG’s DYNAMIKA platform is well suited to multi-centre trials, which require regulatory compliance and robust execution.

We make sure that any developed designs are supported by practical approaches that are robust enough for variations in image quality (especially in multicentre contexts, where different MRI scanner manufacturers & models are used.

Our team of board-certified Neuroradiologists independently assess both native and processed MRI data for the evaluation of eligibility, safety and efficacy endpoints. The readers are trained and read simultaneously using our platform, which supports automated adjudication. Conduct of remote read sessions can significantly increase the efficiency of central reading activities while minimizing the inherent costs.

The image evaluation results are made available at the sponsor’s site in a real-time manner to facilitate the tracking of operations and allowing fast decision making when it comes to patient monitoring, in case of safety findings.


About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™, our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team:

Selected Publications by IAG’s Team:

  1. Hajiesmaeili, M.Dehmeshki, J.Bagheri Nakhjavanlo, Band Ellis, T. J. (2014) Initialisation of 3D level set for hippocampus segmentation from volumetric brain MR images. In: Sixth International Conference on Digital Image Processing; 5 Apr 2014, Athens, Greece. (SPIE Proceedings, no. 9159)
  2. Hajiesmaeili, MaryamBagherinakhjavanlo, BashirDehmeshki, Jamshidand Ellis, Tim (2012) Segmentation of the hippocampus for detection of Alzheimer’s disease. In: International Symposium on Visual Computing : 8th International Symposium; 16 – 18 Jul 2012, Crete, Greece.
  3. Hajiesmaeili, M.Dehmeshki, J. and Ellis, T. J. (2014) Analysis of Partial Volume Effects on Accurate Measurement of the Hippocampus Volume. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 2, ISSN (print) 1672-6464
  4. Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, J., Peters, K.R., Griffin, C.M., Brex, P.A., Silver, N.C., Ciccarrelli, O., Chard, D.T., Barker, G.J., Thompson, A.J.and Miller, D.H. (2003) Disability in multiple sclerosis is related to normal appearing brain tissue MTR histogram abnormalities. Multiple Sclerosis, 9(6), pp. 566-573. ISSN (print) 1352-4585
  5. Dehmeshki, J., Chard, D.T., Leary, S.M., Watt, H.C., Silver, N.C., Tofts, P.S., Thompson, A.J.and Miller, D.H. (2003) The normal appearing grey matter in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. A magnetisation transfer imaging study. Journal of Neurology, 250(1), pp. 67-74. ISSN (print) 0340-5354
  6. Griffin, C.M., Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Chard, D.T., Parker, G.J., Barker, G.J., Thompson, A.J.and Miller, D.H. (2002) T1 histograms of normal-appearing brain tissue are abnormal in early relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 8(3), 211-216 (6). ISSN (print) 1352-4585
  1. Dehmeshki, J., Barker, G.J.and Tofts, P.S. (2002) Classification of disease subgroup and correlation with disease severity using magnetic resonance imaging whole-brain histograms: application to magnetization transfer ratios and multiple sclerosis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21(4), pp. 320-331. ISSN (print) 0278-0062
  2. Parker, G.J.and Dehmeshki, J. (2002) A level set approach to determining brain region connectivity. In: IWISPA 2000. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. in conjunction with 22nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces; 14-15 Jun 2000, Pula, Croatia. (Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis) ISBN 9539676924
  3. Toffs, Paul Stephen, Steens, Sca, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Hofman, Paul, Van Waesberghe, Jan Heinand Van Buchem, Mark (2001) Matching MTR histograms for multi-centre studies. In: ISMRM & ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting 2001; 21 – 27 Apr 2001, Glasgow, U.K..
  4. Hatfield, Fraser N.and Dehmeshki, Jamshid (1998) Automatic delineation and 3D visualization of the human ventricular system using probabilistic neural networks. In: Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color; 18 May 1998, Zurich, Switzerland
Experience: Scoring Systems

3D image registration
MRI signal intensity inhomogeneity correction
Correction of geometrical distortion
Atlas-based segmentation
Quantification of brain, hippocampal & ventricular atrophy
Quantification of intracranial cavity volume
Quantification of FLAIR/T2 hyperintense lesions
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI)
Diffusion-Tensor Imaging (DTI) data analysis

Incidence of Amyloid Imaging-Related Abnormalities (ARIA)


Experience: Imaging
  • MRI
  • ARIA
  • PET

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.




IAG’s team contributes into the design and execution of clinical trials. Specifically, in Parkinson’s disease (PD), we are supporting the considerable amount of effort  dedicated to finding new effective therapeutic agents for patients, with several symptomatic and disease-modifying therapies currently being evaluated in clinical trials, according to a recent comprehensive review. Collaboratively, we also work on developing and validating biomarkers, which may assist in early diagnosis and objective measurement of disease progression.

Better biomarkers may also allow for shorter and more efficient clinical trials.

In relation to patient selection for drug development programs, it is important to note that the clinical presentation of Parkinson’s disease is heterogeneous and overlaps with other conditions, including the parkinsonian variant of multiple system atrophy (MSA-P), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and essential tremor. Brain MRI uses different sequences and contrasts to study brain structure and function while SPECT and PET imaging use ionising radioactive ligands to quantitatively measure receptors, transporters or enzymes at nanomolecular level with high specificity and power of resolution.

Imaging of the brain in patients with parkinsonism has the ability to increase the accuracy of differential diagnosis, patient selection and assessment of the disease progression.

  • MRI: structural MRI is useful to differentiate PD from secondary and atypical forms of parkinsonism.  Structural MRI can also be useful in the identification of structural lesions associated with other forms of parkinsonism, such as those underlined by vascular pathology or neoplasms. Structural MRI can also be useful for measuring the degree and distribution of brain atrophy.
  • Advanced MRI modalities, including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), spectroscopy, arterial spin labelling (ASL) and resting-state functional MRI can assist in detection of and discrimination of PD cases from other forms of parkinsonism.
  • Functional MRI measures blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) signal, which is sensitive to localised changes in levels of blood oxygenation in brain regions that are activated.
  • Imaging with PET or SPECT are powerful methods to detect in vivo changes in the brain at molecular level.
  • SPECT: 123I-ioflupane (DaTSCANTM) SPECT is used in the differential diagnosis between PD and non-degenerative tremors.
  • Another pathognomonic characteristic of PD is the impairment of the sympathetic nervous system. Cardiac 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine SPECT and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET are valid in the differential diagnosis between PD and atypical parkinsonism (MSA-P, PSP).
  • Using PET imaging with 18F-fludeoxyglucose (18F-FDG), patterns of regional brain metabolism can be measured using a map of regional abnormalities of known disease-specific templates obtained in established patient cohorts.


IAG’s team has deep understanding of challenges associated with design and execution of Parkinson’s Disease trials.

We understand that optimal clinical trial design is crucial. Chosen imaging modality and associated image analysis will help to prove the efficacy of the therapy. We will recommend the optimal imaging and help selecting the trial endpoints.  Once the trial is designed, IAG’s team will select and train the sites, assist with imaging data collection and review.


About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™, our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team:

Experience: Scoring Systems
  • Quantitative assessment of PET and SPECT
  • Assessment of DaT scans
  • MRI Assessment
Experience: Imaging
  • MRI
  • DaT scan
  • PET

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.




IAG’s team contributes into the design and execution of clinical trials. Specifically, in Multiple Sclerosis (MS), with the increased number of available immunotherapies, the therapeutic strategy has shifted from a “relapse-prevention” approach to a personalized provision of medical care. In turn, drug developers assign higher relevance to patient-reported outcomes and use surrogate measures that can serve as predictive markers for individual treatment response.

New standards for planning clinical trials take into account MS pathophysiology and choose to reply on endpoints that can support earlier assessment of drug efficacy or mor reliable patient stratification.

Advances in Imaging Techniques in Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune, inflammatory neurological disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord.1 MS damages the myelin sheath around the axons of the brain and Spinal cord and causes demyelination of the CNS structure. 2

MS International federation estimates that there are around 2.8 million people in the world living with MS and this number is likely to be higher as many people with MS remain undiagnosed in some parts of the world. MS affects two to three times as many women as men, indicating the role of hormones in the disease progression.3

Patient Selection Strategies / Clinical Trials Endpoints: Timely diagnosis of MS is critical as delayed diagnosis might lead to increase in disability, worsening of disease activity and increased relapses in patients leading to lower quality of life. Brain imaging is primarily used for the MS diagnosis and measuring disease activity, however, few other biomarkers and tools including EDSS score assessment are also utilized to measure disability and assess the progression of the disease.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI has emerged as a key diagnostic for MS and plays a vital role in assessing the prognosis and response to the treatment. MRI uses magnetic field and radio waves to generate detailed brain and spinal cord images. It detects the Focal white matter (WM) lesions that are the pathological hallmark of the disease and show relation to clinical disability.

The characteristic abnormalities of MS in the brain consist of multiple white matter lesions with high signal intensity on fluid attenuation inversion recovery and proton density (PD)-weighted image (WI), and T2-WI and low signal intensity (SI) on T1-WI.5

  1. T-1 weighted without gadolinium- may show dark areas that show areas of permanent nerve damage.
  2. T-1 weighted with gadolinium- may show a bright area that show areas of active inflammation.
  3. T-2 weighted- show overall disease burden or lesion load (The total number of lesions, both old and new).

There are certain limitations, though, to the traditional MRI process including a weak association with clinical status and the lack of sensitivity to other clinically relevant findings, such as grey-matter disease and diffuse damage throughout the white matter.

To overcome this, we often combine lesion-based measures with advanced MRI measures of tissue integrity, such as Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, diffusion imaging, and magnetization transfer imaging, using voxel-wise probability maps and spatial distribution approaches.

Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) measures and quantifies the overall disability in MS patients. The EDSS provides a total score on a scale range from 0 to 10 in 0.5-unit increments that represent a higher level of disability and ‘0’ indicates normal neurological examination, while ‘10’ indicates death due to MS.7,8

In addition to the existing imaging methods, there are newer biomarkers emerging in MS such as Neurofilaments.  Neurofilaments are cytoskeletal components of neurons that are particularly abundant in axons. Following axonal damage in the central nervous system (CNS), neurofilament proteins released into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) indicate axonal damage and neuronal death. Neurofilaments were first used as markers of neuronal damage in a study of 12 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Neurofilaments were found in the CSF of 60 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), suggesting these proteins could also be used as a biomarker of MS disease activity.  Neurofilament research is rapidly expanding and neurofilament levels are under investigation as markers of disease activity and progression other neurological disorders including stroke. 6

In clinical trials, advances in imaging and advanced imaging can improve the detection of the extent and severity of the disease.  The advanced neuroimaging techniques allow to detect MS in the early stages and provide new possibilities for understanding MS pathogenesis. Trial planning and selection of the optimal imaging strategy is critical to the success of the drug development programs.

IAG’s team has deep understanding of challenges associated with design and execution of MS trials.

We understand that optimal clinical trial design is crucial. Chosen imaging modality and associated image analysis will help to prove the efficacy of the therapy.

We will recommend the optimal imaging and help selecting the trial endpoints.  Once the trial is designed, IAG’s team will select and train the sites, assist with imaging data collection and review.

Reach out to our expert team, as you are designing and planning your trial. <imaging.experts @>

About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™, our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team:

Publications by IAG’s team:

  1. Dehmeshki, J., Chard, D.T., Leary, S.M., Watt, H.C., Silver, N.C., Tofts, P.S., Thompson, A.J.and Miller, D.H. (2003) The normal appearing grey matter in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. A magnetisation transfer imaging study. Journal of Neurology, 250(1), pp. 67-74. ISSN (print) 0340-5354
  2. Griffin, C.M., Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Chard, D.T., Parker, G.J., Barker, G.J., Thompson, A.J.and Miller, D.H. (2002) T1 histograms of normal-appearing brain tissue are abnormal in early relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 8(3), 211-216 (6). ISSN (print) 1352-4585
  3. Dehmeshki, J., Barker, G.J.and Tofts, P.S. (2002) Classification of disease subgroup and correlation with disease severity using magnetic resonance imaging whole-brain histograms: application to magnetization transfer ratios and multiple sclerosis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21(4), pp. 320-331. ISSN (print) 0278-0062
  4. Dehmeshki, J, Van Buchem, M, Bosma, G P T, Huizinga, T W Jand Tofts, P S (2002) Systematic lupus erythematosus: diagnostic application of magnetization transfer ratio histograms in patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms – initial results. Radiology, 222(3), pp. 722-728. ISSN (online) 0033-8419
  5. Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Brex, P.A., Dalton, C.M., Chard, D.T., Barker, G.J., Plant, G.T.and Miller, D.H. (2002)
  6.  Normal-appearing brain tissue MTR histograms in clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of MS. Journal of Neurology, 59(1), pp. 126-128. ISSN (print) 0028-3878
  7. Dehmeshki, J., Ruto, A.C., Arridge, S., Silver, N.C., Miller, D.H.and Tofts, P.S. (2001) Analysis of MTR histograms in multiple sclerosis using principal components and multiple discriminant analysis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 46(3), pp. 600-609. ISSN (print) 0740-3194
  8. Dehmeshki, J., Silver, N.C., Leary, S.M., Tofts, P.S., Thompson, A.J.and Miller, D.H. (2001) Magnetisation transfer ratio histogram analysis of primary progressive and other multiple sclerosis subgroups. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 185(1), pp. 11-17. ISSN (print) 0022-510X
  9. Dehmeshki, Jamshid(1999) An adaptive segmentation and 3-D visualisation of the lung. Pattern Recognition Letters, 20(9), pp. 919-926. ISSN (print) 0167-8655
  10. Hatfield, F.N.and Dehmeshki, J. (1998) Automatic delineation and 3-D visualisation of the human ventricular system using probabilistic neural networks. Proceedings – SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, 3409, pp. 361-367. ISSN (print) 0361-0748
  11. Nikravanshalmani, A.Qanadli, S.Ellis, T., Crocker, M., Ebrahimdoost, F., Karamimohammadi, M.and Dehmeshki, J. (2011) Three-dimensional semi-automatic segmentation of intracranial aneurysms in CTA. In: The 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine ( ITAB 2010); 3-5 Nov 2010, Corfu, Greece. ISBN 9781424465590
  12. Parker, G.J.and Dehmeshki, J. (2002) A level set approach to determining brain region connectivity. In: IWISPA 2000. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. in conjunction with 22nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces; 14-15 Jun 2000, Pula, Croatia. (Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis) ISBN 9539676924
  13. Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, J., Barker, G.J.and Miller, D.H. (2002) Normal appearing brain tissue MTR abnormalities in patients with clinically isolated syndromes and early multiple sclerosis. In: ISRM 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition; 18-24 May 2002, Honolulu, USA.
  14. Toffs, Paul Stephen, Steens, Sca, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Hofman, Paul, Van Waesberghe, Jan Heinand Van Buchem, Mark (2001) Matching MTR histograms for multi-centre studies. In: ISMRM & ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting 2001; 21 – 27 Apr 2001, Glasgow, U.K..
  15. Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Bosma, G.P.Th., Rood, M.J., Huizinga, T.W.J., Van Buchem, Markand Tofts, Paul Stephen (2001) A diagnostic analysis of Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) histograms in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NPSLE) patients. In: ISMRM & ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting 2001; 21 – 27 Apr 2001, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
  16. Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Tofts, Paul Stephen, Leary, S. M., Thompson, Alan P.and Miller, David H. (2001) Improved correlation of MRT histograms with disability in primary progressive and relapsing onset Multiple Sclerosis using Principle Component Analysis. In: ISMRM & ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting 2001; 21 – 27 Apr 2001, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
  17. Dehmeshki, J., Ruto, A.C., Parker, G.J.M., Arridge, S., Miller, D.H.and Tofts, P.S. (2000) Detection and classification of MS using magnetisation transfer ratio images. In: First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis; 14 – 15 June 2000, Pula, Croatia. ISBN 9539676924
  18. Hatfield, Fraser N.and Dehmeshki, Jamshid (1998) Automatic delineation and 3D visualization of the human ventricular system using probabilistic neural networks. In: Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color; 18 May 1998, Zurich, Switzerland.
Experience: Scoring Systems
  • Lesion count and Volume
  • Quantitatve PET-CT
  • Quantitatve MRI
  • Quantitatve CT
  • Entire-body PET-CT scans
  • PET amyloid and myelin imaging
Experience: Imaging
  • MRI
  • CT
  • PET

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.




X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a rare inherited peroxisomal neurodegenerative disorder with the following symptoms: central inflammatory demyelination in the brain, axonal degeneration and adrenal insufficiency.

There are two main neurologic phenotypes of X-ALD. The first occurs in both children and adults and is the most serious, called Cerebral X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (cALD). Sufferers experience brain neuroinflammation and early death. However, the most common is Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), a progressive severe motor dysfunction condition that affects young adults.

Whether it presents in children or adults, X-ALD can be recognised by central inflammatory demyelination in the brain, axonal degeneration, and adrenal insufficiency.


The severity of the inflammatory process has been correlated with the rapidity of disease progression.

IAG’s team has experience with designing and deliverying clinical trials that involve use of

  • MRI, inc. contrast MRI
  • CT
  • Molecular imaging

Our research has shown that contrast-enhanced T1- weighted spin-echo MR imaging may serve as a marker for the presence and the severity of this inflammatory process.

A very strong association between the presence of contrast enhancement on T1-weighted MR images and X-ALD progression based on clinical evaluation and MR imaging has been demonstrated.

The trials in cALD that were supported by our team have involved MRI as a patient stratification and disease progression tool, with the the following outcome measurements:

  • Loes Score (Percent change from baseline in brain lesions)
  • Monitoring of status of gadolinium enhancement
  • Lesion volume and morphology
  • Qualitative assessment of appearance of Gd enhancing brain lesion on MRI
  • Frequency and timing of resolution of Gd enhancement on MRI


Reach out to our expert team, as you are designing and planning your trial.

About IAG, Image Analysis Group

IAG is a unique partner to life sciences companies developing new treatment and driving the hope of the up-coming precision medicine. IAG leverages expertise in medical imaging and the power of DYNAMIKA™, our proprietary cloud-based platform, to de-risk clinical development and deliver lifesaving therapies into the hands of patients much sooner. IAG provides early drug efficacy assessments, smart patient recruitment and predictive analysis of advanced treatment manifestations, thus lowering investment risk and accelerating study outcomes.

Acting as imaging Contract Research Organization, IAG’s experts also recognize the significance of a comprehensive approach to asset development. They actively engage in co-development projects with both private and public sectors, demonstrating a commitment to cultivating collaboration and advancing healthcare solutions.

Contact our expert team:

Experience: Scoring Systems
  • Loes score
  • Gadolinium Intensity Score (GIS) score
  • Develop, validate and implement bespoke scoring methodologies
  • Brain White Matter Volume
  • Brain Lesion Volume
  • Cortical Gray Matter Volume
Experience: Imaging
  • Anatomical MRI (FLAIR, T1, T2)
  • Perfusion MRI (DSC, DCE)
  • Diffusion MRI (ADC, DWI, DTI)
  • SWI
  • MRS

Since 2007, over 2000 articles were published to cover scientific discoveries, technology break-throughs and special cases. We list here some critically important papers and abstracts.


Combining our technologies and business advisory services with promising life science companies has yielded spectacular results over the past five years. As a trusted partner to many biotech and pharma companies, IAG’s team is proud to share your words and quotes.